Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Christmas Traditions

We all have them - those little "insignificant" things that matter significantly


Growing up, my family tradition included
   * turkey dinner on Christmas eve - with mom's amazing marshmallow pineapple salad
   * family all under the same roof - LOTS of family
   * opening presents on Christmas eve - AFTER the dishes and reciting Luke 2 as a family
   * playing games and eating lefse, homemade carmels, candy cane shape sugar cookies
   * Christmas morning service
   * stockings with a Japanese orange in the toe, filled with socks, candy and other little trinkets
   * left-overs that tasted almost better than the first time around

But - times change.  Some traditions pass with loved ones.  New families are formed of blended traditions, creating a whole new set.

Dan and I have been married for 26 years and although for many of our initial years he followed my family Christmas rituals - the past few years, we have begun to form our own.  Many of them are related to our tree.

(Clockwise - starting at the top left)

1.  Our first Christmas without Mom, I bought all of my siblings this ornament.  It has 9 mother of pearl hearts around it - symbolizing our family (mom, dad, Selmer, Ruth, Gerry, Sharon, Joyce, me and Allan) Every time I place it on the tree I remember the incredible Mom that she was for us.

2.  My new ornament for this year - I buy a new one every year

3.  The mallard duck.  This was the FIRST ornament we bought - or should I say DAN bought.  It was at Woodwards in Red Deer.  Dan found it in a bargain bin - go figure and HAD to have it.  I thought it was hideous. Now it isn't a Christmas tree without it

4.  Flipflops from Hawaii - our happy place.

5.  Truck - actually this one has no significance.  I just thought it was pretty cool - and it's red

6.  Our first Christmas Together - 1985.  It is totally the wrong color and a little 80's looking, but so precious and will always have a place on the tree

7.  My tree - tied up in ribbons, cranberries and weird little plastic popcorn things

8.  A sled made from Popsicle sticks.  Riley made this for me in Grade 1 - Miss Plett's class.  I love it.

This last picture is what has made me most nostalgic tonight

These ornaments didn't make it onto the tree this year.  These are Riley's ornaments.  When the kids were born I started collecting a new ornament every year for them.  Two years ago I packed up Alyssa's and this year it's Riley's turn.

Big tears dropped freely onto the worn little boxes as memories of the significance of each little trinket flooded my mind.  The lion - purchased from the Farmers Market, the bear ice fishing with a penguin, the mouse in a hockey skate, the baseball themed "JOY".

They will soon have a new home that is beginning new traditions.

I wonder if they will find an ugly mallard duck.


just sayin' said...

Great post. Lots of thought went into this one! Traditions are great, but i certainly appreciate new ones.

StaceyLav said...

Aw...I love our family traditions...and I have always loved your tree....makes me sad to even think about my tree without my kids ornaments tho!!
It would be so fun to do a "Williams Lake" christmas again someday!! Something about Auntie Sharon's log house that feels so much like christmas to me :)