Monday, 24 October 2011

coming home

in a funk...
down in the dumps...
singin' the blues...

all of the above.

I admit it - I have been on a bit of a pity trip lately.  Suitcase packed full of fear, frustration, need for vengeance, anxiety, tears, angry words, bitter thoughts...  Hardly space in there for anything else.

Well, it's time to come home.   I have seen the sights of that deep dark place, bought a few souvenirs, and have just decided that I have had enough.  It hasn't been a pleasant trip, as you can imagine, but I really need to get back to that good place in my life.

I thought that I had no control over "things" in my life.  That's simply not true.  I figured out that the "things" are monsters because of my choice to make them that in my life.  My attitude is what controls the effect those things have on me.

So, tonight, as I climb off the jet of wallowing, I am choosing to alter my attitude and many of my actions.

How?, you ask...

Well... here are a few things on the list...

* take better care of body (get back to Curves, start going to Fitness Friendsy, eat more thoughtfully, take my vitamins, follow doctor's orders, slow down and take some deep breaths)

* take better care of my mind (shut off the TV, cut back on Facebook - especially the places that are destroying me inside out, read more)

* take better care of my family  (be less distracted, tell them how much I love them, pray for them, give more time to them)

* take better care of my soul  (pray much more, worry much less, spend more time figuring out what God is saying rather than what I am feeling, notice God in the moments of my life and give Him credit when I do)

I do have some specific goals, but I'm too chicken to be that transparent to the world wide web.  Let's just say that I plan to get noticed for the changes that I really want to make.

So, here we go...the flight has just touched down and we are taxi-ing to the terminal.  I can hardly wait to get my feet on the ground of home...


Kmarie said...

Funny... I am on the same journey and was going to write a post today about coming home (resolve) with Norah jones singing "long way home." Your words are also my thoughts. While some depression is brought on without choices I realized this weekend what is in my power to ease it. This post confirmed it.
I'm sorry you are hurting. I know how tough it can be. At the same time it's nice to know others travel the road and make it ok.
Great post;)

just sayin' said...

Love you! A time, a reason, a season for everything. We need to go through the bad to appreciate the good. Now is the time for the good! count me in! xo

Alicia said...

I was unravelling a sweater today, mindlessly counting the hours, the thousands of stitches that were dissolving in my fingertips. The same hands that had started to form the shape of it. Your face was clear in my memory as I have seen it a couple times this week, & today. No one can reach the depths of someone's thoughts that have been hiding this long but I want to say. I love you Sheila. & I will join your chorus of prayers..
Lord, help my friend see the story You're writing for her. Help her to move ahead, steadfast, actively. Give joy in the journey and peace too. When moments arise where she is afraid to step out in faith, show her Your hand to hold. Amen.

Unknown said...

"spend more time figuring out what God is saying and less on how I'm feeling..."

Ah, this resonates with me so much. I'm sorry you've been hurting, but I'm glad to hear you've picked up a good road map for this new journey :)