Tuesday, 6 September 2011


In my blog-hopping tonight I have come across some great thoughts from mommies of little ones.  There have been a few words of frustration and fatigue, some of wonder and delight.  Sometimes I have a hard time not giving advise.  I remember getting advise not asked for or appreciated, so I just remain silent and say a little prayer for that dear mommy for patience and love when both seem hard to find.  I pray that they will not only survive, but relish the good and the bad because it really does come to a fast end.

I have been asked by friends with little ones how to raise good kids.  

I have no answer...except this...

Understand that YOU can't.  They have been given the ultimate gift from God - free will - and they will use that freedom to make choices, both good and bad. 

I made a million mistakes in motherhood - I yelled too much, forgave too slowly, used guilt on a regular basis, I even sent my 6 year old to school with chicken pox because she told me she had pimples on her back.  I told her to "get used to it"...

However, in spite of my mistakes, I hope I showed my kids that I was human.  That I could fail and needed forgiveness on a very regular basis.  I guess that's what they learned from me...how to fall flat on your face and then get up and by the grace of God move on.

I wanted to share something at Riley's wedding reception, but in the complete be-fuddled state of my brain that day, I just completely forgot, so here I will share it.  

When Riley was about 6 or 7 he did some "catastrophic" thing that warranted a little reinforcement on his back side.  He was left in his bedroom to think about what he did and about 10 minutes into that part of the process I heard him whisper under the crack of the door..."mommy!....mom!"

"Riley, you were told to sit in your room.  Be quiet"

"Mom, come here for a minute"

I then heard a noise of something being shoved under his door.  I went over and found this piece of paper all folded up sticking out....

The other side...


This little piece of faded note paper has a special place in my treasure box - a small basket filled with the most important things in my life. They are symbols and keepsakes from the lives that God has entrusted me with.  There's no money, diamonds, or jewels in there.  Only letters like this, a rose from my mom's funeral, a copy of the cross-stitch that I made for my daughter that I gave to other parents, and many more treasures. These are the things that I will grab in case of a fire, flood or tornado.  Reminders of a time, not so long ago, but so very very precious...

What are your treasures?


Kmarie said...

Oh my goodness...I laughed so hard at that flip side. Clever boy. Hilarious.
And thanks for this because even though I adore my kids and treasure moments, I find motherhood really tough. It's nice to hear these posts from moms who have been there:)

Alicia said...

D & I took turns reading this & laughing until 'wow' we both stopped & agreed this is our Kai Riley :)
I like your idea of a box of heartfelt memory treasures.