I eagerly anticipate the day that all of my little "charges" leave for Christmas and I get to:
- sleep past 7 am
- shut off my cell phone
- no longer give permissions for everything
- forget about runny noses, diarrhea, coughs, cuts, and broken hearts
Enough about me... on to the things most important to me...
What a hunk, eh? This is his amazing Mule Deer that he got with his bow this year. He was pretty excited. It measured 172 and three eighths (if you know what that means, then good for you) All I know is that if filled up our freezer quite nicely...ummmmm deer steaks.
We have been together for 21 years and counting. Truly hard to believe. I'm not sure who is the bigger hero - thinkin him...
Yes, our baby girl has graduated from High School and is now at the University of Alberta. Not an easy transition for her or Mom... She has been a little homesick as well as trying to transition from a tiny little Christian School on the Prairies to The Giant Mega-learning facility. It has been a little rough, but she works hard and we are pretty proud of her and her stand for what she believes even though it has cost her some humiliation and a couple bad marks.
She is glad to be half done and is deciding about future plans right now.
She is glad to be half done and is deciding about future plans right now.
Riley is in Grade 11...yikes!! He spends his
time playing x-box, hockey, quad-ing, hanging out with friends and working at Subway. Once in a while he thinks about school, but that is more thought of as a hinderance to an active social life. He remains single, but I do hear from many girls in the dorm that he is "hot"... hmmm, not really what a mom wants to hear.
Other Important "Family" members
...has stolen Alyssa's heart (and ours too) and has become a part of the family. He is working right now at Phone Experts and has become an expert navigator of the road between Innisfail and Sherwood Park!
Alyssa decided that she needed to add to the family in the way of a very small Chihuahua that we named Dexter Diablo (Diablo because he is a bit of a demon at times). Training has not always been pleasant... poop ground into the bottom of your feet, etc. But we have fallen in love with the little guy. Even Luke likes him...
So that is us...
Not so exciting, but hey, we're happy and that works out for us pretty good. In days to come I suppose I will wax eloquently, but for today, just wanted to let you know who we are.
God is so good to us. I can't always figure out why. It isn't because we deserve it - just because He's good...
Merry Christmas everyone. Remember to be nice to each other...